Buzz About Cricket Policies


·         Respect to all members of Buzz About Cricket and the Buzz About Cricket facility

·         Food & drink rubbish is taken away

·         All Buzz About Cricket kit remains inside the facility (balls, bats, gym equipment, TV’s etc)

·         All children not being coached are always supervised

·         No one under the age of 16 is allowed in the weight area

·         Appropriate sports kit will be required at all sessions (no kit, no training, no refund)

·         Appropriate footwear must be always worn during a session (NO SCHOOL SHOES)

·         Buzz About Cricket does not take any responsibility for any items left behind


·         All forms of payment will be accepted (Cash, Card or Transfer)

·         Individual sessions will be paid pre session on arrival

·         Block bookings can be made to guarantee weekly timeslots (discounts available)

·         2 weeks notice is given for future block bookings


·         Sessions cancelled within 72hrs of the agreed date will be paid for in full

·         Block booking cancellations inside 72hrs of agreed date will not be refunded

·         To cancel a session an email must be sent to

·         If you cancel a session outside the 72hr period you will not be charged

·         7+ days will be required to reschedule any block booking date

·         If a coach cancels a session inside 72hrs a full refund / rescheduled session will be issued

 Block Sessions / Coaching Program

·         This is a bulk payment for a set of 10 sessions inside school term time

·         Block bookings are only valid during school term times

·         Any sessions wanted in half term will be additional to the original block booking

·         7+ days notice is required to reschedule a block booking date via emailing

·         If you cancel under 72 hours no refunds will be given or rescheduled session given

·         2 weeks before the end of your 10 sessions you will be given the option to pay for another 10 sessions but if you have not paid by the end of your last session your time slot will be opened for other people to book it

·         The coach has the right to finish any block booking if expectations are not regularly met

 Social Media / Online Marketing

·         Buzz About Cricket will video content during sessions which potentially will be used for advertisement online via social media (verbal consent will be required, no person will be posted online unwillingly)

·         All content filmed is the intellectual property of Buzz About Cricket and has full rights of the footage

 Welfare, Safe Guarding & Complaints

·         All ECB regulations will be followed by those working at Buzz About Cricket

·         Any issues regarding Welfare & Safe Guarding should be sent directly to

·         Any complaints regarding Buzz About Cricket can be sent directly to

Buzz About Cricket Lane Rental Policies


 ·         Respect to all members of Buzz About Cricket and the Buzz About Cricket facility

·         All Food & Drink rubbish is taken away from the facility

·         All Buzz About Cricket kit remains inside the facility (balls, bats, gym equipment, TV’s etc)

·         All children not being coached are always supervised

·         No one under the age of 16 is allowed in the weight area

·         Gym area left in working order (no weights left out, matting returned etc)

·         Appropriate sports kit will be required at all sessions (no kit, no training, no refund)

·         Appropriate footwear must be always worn during a session (NO SCHOOL SHOES)

·         All times of bookings are respected to limit delays / cross over times

·         Net Lane cleared after use ready for next booking

·         Cricket bags to be left outside net lane / not left at the back of net lane

·         Net lane safety awareness is prevalent during all bookings

·         All ECB guidance regarding net practice is always respected

·         Music & TV volume is kept to a respectable level

·         Foul language / behavior will not be tolerated


 ·         All forms of payment will be accepted (Cash, Card or Transfer)

·         All payments to be made prior to date of booking/s

·         All payments will need to be made in full          


·         Sessions cancelled within 72hrs of the agreed date will be paid for in full

·         Block booking cancellations inside 72hrs of agreed date will not be refunded

·         To cancel a session an email must be sent to

·         If you cancel a session outside the 72hr period you will not be charge 

 Welfare, Safe Guarding & Complaints

 ·         All ECB regulations will be followed by those working at Buzz About Cricket

·         Buzz About Cricket does not take any responsibility for any items left behind

·         Any issues regarding Welfare & Safe Guarding should be sent directly to

·         Any complaints regarding Buzz About Cricket can be sent directly to